Quest Game Tuner vs QGO

Quest Games Optimizer (qgo) is an older tool which accomplishes similar goals to Quest Game Tuner.

I've gotten some questions about qgo. Shortly after I launched with the tagline "Unlock the full power of your Quest", they changed their tagline to "Unlock the full potential of your Quest", and updated their page to also use similar language. (qgo's old page, for reference)

UPDATE: qgo previously charged for certain features, but stopped doing so around the time they changed their price to be the same as Quest Game Tuner.
Quest Game Tuner has never cha
rged extra for features or updates, and never will.

In this post, I try my best to objectively describe the difference between both tools.
As the developer of Quest Game Tuner, I am obviously bias. You can view the qgo dev's response in the comments.


Both tools are actively maintained by their respective developers. Information on this page may be out of date.

Launching Apps

You can launch, search, and sort all your 2D and VR apps and games from either program. 

Only Quest Game Tuner lets you view detailed configuration info for all your apps at once.

Lightning Launcher is the go-to launcher for Quest devices with over 100k downloads. It's lightning fast (get it?) and more customizable than either tuning tool. You can get Lightning Launcher can for free on GitHub or SideQuest.

I made Lightning Launcher! It integrates closely with Quest Game Tuner, but can be used alongside qgo as well.

Tuning Apps

Both tools can adjust the same tuning parameters, but qgo lacks a default profile and made users pay extra to change settings while in-game.

Quest Game Tuner supports four auto-tuning profiles for every single app & game on the Quest Store and SideQuest.

qgo has user-submitted and dev-approved profiles you can download for many popular games, though support varies by app and devices.

From my (obviously bias) experience, Quest Game Tuner's auto-tuning profiles are generally slightly better looking and more consistent than qgo's community profiles - but qgo's less aggressive settings may lead to fewer dropped frames.

Additional Features

Both apps support video recording settings, and have toggles for features such as on-head detection and guardian boundaries. 

Both apps are able to display app usage data, but only Quest Game Tuner can show you daily & monthly playtime info.
Note: qgo previously charged extra for its playtime tracking.

Quest Game Tuner was first to support multiple users on the same headset, but qgo has since added this as well.

Only Quest Game Tuner supports these additional features:

- Three-click setup for multiple users on the same headset
- Full & extended video recording settings with exclusive stabilization options
- Easily toggle system-wide AdBlock for all your apps
- Set your headset to automatically turn off when you're not using it to keep your battery charged
- Detailed playtime charts

All current and future features come with your one-time purchase of Quest Game Tuner.


Quest Game Tuner is secured using industry-standard encryption. (More info on the FAQ) Tuning configs are sanitized and ADB access is limited to the app's necessary functions.

An optional accessibility service is used to allow for fully-automatic tuning without reading logs or storing your activity.

I cannot comment on the security of qgo's ADB implementation, nor it's own use of accessibility permissions.

Update: SideQuest rejected qgo over security concerns, but the details of this are murky. (SideQuest accepted Quest Game Tuner without issue.) qgo's dev claims to have gotten audited by a respected member of the community, and does not wish to discuss this futher.


Quest Game Tuner uses a randomized ID for activation - that's it. I will never collect or share any personally identifying information. Quest Game Tuner lets you toggle AdGuard DNS, which protects your privacy by blocking common analytics and trackers. (Update: qgo has since added an AdGuard toggle as well)

A persistent ADB connection is required for this type of app to function. ADB provides an elevated level of access to your device's software, so security is paramount.

qgo requires your email address. Every time you open qgo, your email, device ID, and software version are sent to their servers for verification. Some versions of qgo have also sent a list of your installed apps. 

Get Quest Game Tuner

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more


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I have experienced some troubles after installed QGT I want to unistall it but not able to find the way. I evev try with sidequest to locate it but no way. Any help to unistall?

I'd be happy to help you with any trouble you have had if you message me on the support thread or discord!

If you want to disable tuning, you can turn it off in Quest Game Tuner's options.

To uninstall: Find it in the unknown sources list, press the three dots, then click "Uninstall".

I bought the app today to specifically use it on the secondary Meta account on my Quest 3. After setting it up on my first account, it states that the Quest Game Tuner should be installed and set up again for the secondary account. However, I cannot install the app on the second account, regardless of the installation method. Only when I uninstall the app from the primary account can it be reinstalled on the secondary account, but then I can't set it up. What should I do next?

You need to install it to secondary accounts using the Mobile VR station method shown in the installation video. 

Installation via SideQuest does not work correctly on multiple accounts, and ADB installation requires additional configuration.

Don't hesitate to reach out on Discord if you need one-on-one assistance!

Note: I've removed your two duplicates of this comment.

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Hi thank you for the reply. The tutorial doesn't work as it says "App not installed as package appears to be invalid" during the installation process in Mobile VR Station. Should I reach out to you in discord or do I just do something wrong? I followed the video tutorial exactly.

Edit: so it worked, but I needed to go to login and download the latest APK. It didn't work with the GitHub one

That's really strange - the latest github and releases are bit-for-bit identical. (Might have been an old download or some sort of issue with the download)

Still, glad you got it working. Enjoy Quest Game Tuner!

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Hello, I would like to clarify several points regarding this post, which contains numerous errors and false information intended to discredit Quest Games Optimizer. I am surprised that, in addition to copying QGO, you allow yourself to spread false information about it. Competition is one thing, but spreading false information is another.

I want to set the record straight regarding QGO. Before detailing my points, I want to thank everyone who has contributed to making QGO what it is today, as well as all the users who have placed their trust in it.

Pay for extra options : you don't have to pay anymore for that

Launching apps: If you hover over the application profiles, you can view the profile information in QGO.

Tuning apps: Many QGO users have compared QGO to what you offer (and I did), and here’s the conclusion. The vast majority of profiles generated by your AI are ineffective and have never been tested. The FPS/frame rate is unstable with huge drops and your FFR is highly visible. Instead, your AI reads some kind metadata to attempt to construct something inconsistent. No AI can play a VR game, nor can play games from start to end, nor use controllers, nor play in multiplayer, nor complete all levels, nor change difficulty, nor play in all conditions, etc. Your AI will never replace a human who genuinely plays the game and monitors performance to maintain a stable frame rate and carefully crafted profile to fit all conditions and take part of the whole headset capabilities. Behind QGO, there is a team of real people dedicated to thoroughly testing games to create settings that work well and do not degrade the gaming experience. Games are tested down to the finest details, from every angle, for hours, even days. To produce quality profiles for users, the team has spent three years optimizing 860 games. And we continue to test new games daily to maintain a catalog of quality profiles that is attractive to users. Moreover, user-submitted profiles are tested and refined by the QGO team, meaning QGO profiles are only validated and reliable profiles, not random ones, as you seem to imply.

An IA can't play at the place of a human : 

AI can't move joysticks, take off and jump, crouch, well, reafir like a human, make decisions, answer questions for us when PNJ dialog, drive a car, dodge bullets, make fish at the right time, open a parachute at the right time, have interractions or to test every game mode in every condition, choose maps and weapons, guilde in shooter, etc... You're IA can't do that

Even if an AI were trained for a game, it would take months or years and would have to be done by the studios themselves. When you see the AI of enemies, it's not possible to make an AI for a real player or simple games like GO or Poker or Shogi at best, but we're talking about 3D and immersive games here.

Security: Three years ago, I created QGO, and when I wanted to put it on their platform, SideQuest asked me to provide them the QGO source code (in the past, they had expressed a desire to copy the behavior of the app that preceded QGO, a sort of "v0"). I refused and stood my ground. They saw that QGO used accessibility permissions (to detect app launches; you’re aware of this since your app copied this principle from QGO). SideQuest claimed that, because I hadn’t provided them with my code and was using this permission, I must have malicious intentions. SideQuest’s accusations are completely unfounded, yet they spread this false information everywhere and refused to list QGO on their platform. So, I turned to to launch QGO, burdened by this false information, which apparently still follows the app to this day…

My application has been audited several times, notably by Basti564 (Ellie), the developer whose idea and code you also copied (DreamGrid). It was shown that I had no malicious intent behind QGO (you can ask him). Unlike your app, QGO is transparent, and this permission is disabled by default. It is therefore optional, allowing users to control this permission, unlike your app, which forces accessibility permission via ADB, so your users are not informed that it is enabled. Your users have no option but to go along with your choices and your lack of transparency toward them.

Moreover, forcing this permission via ADB disables it for other apps using it, such as QGO, Pi Launcher, and DreamGrid, for instance. You should review its functionality, as some of my users have complained about this after trying your app, and I have noticed it as well.

Privacy: QGO does not share nor store any user data. The user’s email is used to validate the purchase and to create an account to which they can link custom profiles and organize applications. This is also useful for support requests, as it allows locating the relevant account and assist the user personally.

Please do not delete this message, users need to know the truth and have the right to access the real information about QGO.


Hello, I am open to discussion, and would like to thank you for taking such interest in my tool.

I've done my best to accurately describe the difference between our products. Unless I've misread, nothing you've said contradicts the content of this page.

Quest Game Tuner isn't just a copy of qgo. It serves a similar purpose, yes, but it was coded from the ground-up with many additional features and more to come.

I actually tried quite hard to set the two apart, but you updated your page shortly after my launch to mimic the marketing of my tool. QGO's page before Quest Game Tuner was very different.

Tuning: My AI is not perfect, but feedback from users has generally been positive. It generally achieves much higher than stock settings, but requires dynamic FFV / dynamic FPS to smooth over performance bumps.

Security: I'm not sure why SideQuest would treat you like that (they've always been very nice to me!) I trust Ellie (Basti564), so I'll add that info.

I didn't "copy" Ellie's code. I forked DreamGrid, which forked PiLauncher. The original creators of both now recommend LightningLauncher.

As you said, there's nothing nefarious about an accessibility service (it's a well documented feature of android) however I'm looking into making it optional as well.

Privacy: This matches what I said exactly. Thank you for confirming your use of personal emails for registration and profile sharing.

Nothing changes when i start the game with qgt and no notification is there a fix?

If you've just completed the initial setup, you might need to restart your headset. If that doesn't work, please get in touch on discord.

I have my wife as a secondary user on my second headset so she can play all my games. Will QGT optimize the games when she logs in as the secondary user? I don't think this works with GQO. Thanks.

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EDIT: As of 1.2.0, all user accounts are supported!


Hello, I am a novice developer. I tried to call to execute commands, which can achieve global effects, but I don’t know how to modify a single game. Can you give me some help?

The libadb I use is this:

I know that executing adb shell setprop debug.oculus.textureHeight 3380 && adb shell setprop debug.oculus.textureWidth 3072 can modify the texture quality of the game, but this is a global effect and cannot be applied to a single game.

It's not possible to do that through adb alone.

That's why Quest Game Tuner exists: It automatically applies settings the moment you open a game, and reverts them when you close it.


Can you tell me the principle of implementing the code? Or related documentation tutorials

I'm not going to give guidance on how to replicate a tool I've spent countless hours on, but you can join the discord if you want to discuss general development.

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I’m curious about the user driven profiles created for QGO vs the 3 auto tuning profiles (I assume one for performance, one for visuals, one for battery) for each game on QGT. My understanding is that the profiles created in QGO have been tweaked to best optimize each specific game as opposed to what sounds like a standard configuration for the three options in QGT? Since both are on sale, I guess I’m just trying to get a sense of which of the two products will do the best job of improving games. Another question would be if there’s an easy way to improve both visuals and performance for a well rounded improvement without a lot of fiddling. Thanks!


Quest Game Tuner's auto tuning is actually per-game as well!
You pick your preference of performance, visuals, or battery, and the rest is filled out automatically.

I'm a professional data analyst by day, so I decided to fully automate the process. (Technical stuff incoming!)

I collected a ton of my own data for profile apps and games on my own devices, then trained a Torch model which can evaluate a game's performance profile based on info from it's metadata and store page, via oculusdb. The AI's outputs go through additional post-processing to refine it's outputs for your device and preferences.

The result was a tiny model that can generate dozens of high-quality tuning profiles per second, and can figure out the best settings for a new game before it even finishes opening.

Unlike qgo, it's totally on device and doesn't rely on user data.

Interesting, so a nice bonus is that you have immediate access to profiles on new game releases rather than waiting for the community to build/submit profiles for new games in QGO. Assuming you did side-by-side comparisons of popular games with your product and QGO, is the end result similar across games or does one provide a better experience than the other?


From the few games I tested on qgo, Quest Game Tuner generally achieves slightly higher settings, and is more consistent across titles.

qgo is also more aggressive in reducing settings for battery savings, while Tuner just increases them less.

I really appreciate your responses and have enjoyed Lightning Launcher as well. I’m going to give QGT a go. Thanks!

To answer your second question, the performance and clarity profiles will improve both FPS and clarity. 

Performance typically grants 20-40% higher resolutions and 40-60% higher framerates.
Clarity typically 40-60% higher resolutions and 20-40% higher framerates.

It varies by game and device, of course. I'd generally recommend performance for the best balance.